Adult HIV Treatment Guidelines Updated

Summary: The U.S. HIV treatment guidelines were changed to include new drug safety and interaction information, and to include a table on obtaining new antiretrovirals not yet approved but available through expanded access (which only includes tipranavir at this time).


On April 7 the U.S. guidelines for antiretroviral treatment were updated to reflect new information on drug interactions and toxicities, and to include a new table on expanded access to antiretrovirals not yet approved (currently the only one available through such a program is tipranavir). The current official U.S. HIV guidelines are always online at the AIDSinfo site published by the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services, (you need to click on the proper category listed on the left of the page, then click again to download the document you want in the format desired -- usually PDF). [Note: now that the nonocccupational exposure document (what to do if the condom breaks, etc.) is official, it is available on this site as well.]

On April 8 the U.S. Food and Drug Administration (FDA) published the following description of the changes made in the current revision:

The Guidelines for the Use of Antiretroviral Agents in HIV-1-Infected Adults and Adolescents has been revised to include up-to-date drug information, including updated information on nevirapine hepatotoxicity risks, the interaction between rifampin and ritonavir-boosted saquinavir, new pregnancy data for efavirenz, and new contraindications and warnings for ritonavir and lopinavir/ritonavir use. Also included in the updated document is a new table, Table 30, providing information on the tipranavir expanded access program.

All changes to the document are highlighted in yellow.

The updated guidelines document is available at the AIDSinfo Web site at

You can view, order hard copies of the guidelines, or request them by email at the web site.

The AIDSinfo website is also a useful source of other information related to HIV/AIDS, including other treatment and prevention guidelines, downloadable databases for PDAs (Personal Digital Assistants), and HIV/AIDS-related clinical trials information.


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